Monday, March 26, 2007


This morning at Eastmont some of the Seniors that participated in Friday's orientation are busy showing off their blogs to the other students that were too cool or too busy to attend. What is interesting is that they are describing blogging in their own terms and ways. They get the personal journalism piece and are applying it to their own interests and spheres of influence.

It will be interesting when we nudge them towards responding to issues. When caring folks have been locked out the public discussion finally have a voice they may need a little help getting started.

Oakland is full of issues and challenges so there will be much to talk about. One issue is the loss we feel for one of our own. Quelacy Hubbard worked for our Universal Lifeline Telephone service. He was shot in the head in East Oakland and subsequently transitioned into eternal life. Our prayers go out to his family, friends and us his co-workers.

Happy Birthday to Mr. Bradford our morning classes' 91 year-young student/exercise drill instructor.

Friday, March 23, 2007

Oakland Community Voice Orientation

I am sitting in the first OCV orientation along with a core group of some my favorite elder learners. Michelle Shutzer is guiding us through the process and folks are throwing out some really creative names for their blogs.

What is amazing is that these students didn't have a clue what blogging was, but took it on faith that if we suggested they get involved, that it would be worth their valuable time. Is it working. Well I heard several during the break say that "we're always learning something new, and this is really good. The kids are using MySpace to blog now we can do it too".

This is cool, and the class is pumped!